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1 Timothy 3:8-13

The Deacons Board is designed for those men of the church that have been called to assist the Senior Pastor in the spiritual and administrative leading of the congregation. These men are ordained to serve. These men are always available to assist not only the Senior Pastor, but to provide congregational care to the entire New Hope Family. Deacons exercises their duties by leading devotional exercises, providing counsel to the Senior Pastor and Leadership of the Church, teaching Sunday school and so much more.


Titus 2:3-5

The Mothers and Deaconess Board is composed of the seasoned women of the Church that have devoted themselves to lives of Christian character and holy conduct. These women are responsible for providing wisdom to everyone, especially the younger women of the Church. The Mothers and Deaconesses assist in the preparation and distribution of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, leading in prayer activities, and being ready to impart divine guidance and direction to those in need.


Psalm 84:10

The Usher Board Ministry
is composed of a team of Senior and Junior ushers. These teams work together to maintain order in the sanctuary during worship events. Their job is to also make all worship attendees feel welcome and at home, when entering the doors of New Hope. This ministry is responsible for greeting all worshippers with a warm welcome, helping attendees find seating, directing foot traffic in the sanctuary and overflow areas, distributing programs, directing in the collection of Tithes and Offerings, and assuring worship occurs peacefully and orderly.


Matthew 10:41-42

The Nurses Board Ministry
is responsible for attending the needs of the Senior Pastor, Associate Ministers/Elders, and pulpit guests. Their responsibility is to be a ‘doorkeeper’ to the pulpit, prepared to comfort the man or woman of God delivering the Word. Members of this ministry can also be found providing aid to those who have become injured or ill, assisting the ushers in comforting those who have become emotionally aroused in worship, assisting bereaved families during Homegoing Celebrations, and assisting the Mothers and Deaconesses in overseeing the Lord’s Supper.


Psalm 27:17

The Brotherhood Ministry
is for all men of the Church to fellowship in brotherly love with one another. This ministry is dedicated to improving the quality of life for our Christian brothers through ‘men-only sessions’ that foster spiritual growth, kingdom leadership, community involvement and outreach, and so much more. This ministry seeks to tackle issues that impact the lives of men. These sessions make our men better leaders in their homes, in the church, and in the Kingdom at large.


2 Timothy 2:15

The Board of Christian Education 
is designed to assist and prepare all teaching ministries and teams of the church in their educational sessions. This Board oversees, assists in, coordinates, and evaluates all curriculum and teaching activities within the church. This Board is also accountable to the Senior Pastor, ensuring all teachings and curriculum does not counteract the doctrine of the Church and God's Holy Word.


1 Corinthians 9:22-23

The Media Ministry is responsible for all technological, digital, and graphic work within the Church. This ministry is designed to minister through digital means, making the church into a virtually friendly and digitally compatible ministry. This ministry is responsible for all social media pages, websites, and online representation for the Church. This ministry also streams, records, edits, and manages the distribution of photo and video footage from all New Hope events, prepares screens for worship services that contain information for scripture reading, song selections, sermon topics, and other digital presentations, develops flyers, banners, publications, and programs for special events and annual days hosted by the Church, and operates all sound system equipment. 


Ecclesiastes 11:9

The Youth and Young Adults’ Department
is composed of students, youth, and young adults ages 13-30 within the Church. This Department is designed to be a ‘safe space’ to our youth and young adults. This ministry hosts seminars, Sunday school, worship services, youth group breakout sessions, and bible studies that are specifically tailored for youth and young adults to freely express themselves through praise, worship, and the arts. This Department provides support for spiritual growth, gift cultivation, and basic development challenges that all people face in the early years of life. This department seeks to push all youth and young adults to put their gifts to use in the Kingdom of God through their local church.


1 Timothy 5:17

The Shepherd’s Support Ministry
is designed to honor the labor of the Senior Pastor and his family. This ministry is responsible for assuming leadership in appreciation services and anniversaries for the Senior Pastor and his family, working with the Nurses Board Ministry in fulfilling his needs as he ministers, ensuring the Senior Pastor has clean towels, robes, and water, supporting him in his outside preaching engagements, encouraging him and his family in the time of crisis, and supporting the overall vision of the Senior Pastor for the Church.


Matthew 19:14

The Children's Ministry
is designed for the 'babies of the church.' This ministry is composed of children ages 12 and below. This is a foundational ministry whose purpose is to cultivate an environment of teaching specifically designed for young children. This ministry also provides assistance to parents who desire to train and teach their children the basics of the Christian faith.


Mark 16:15

The Foreign Mission Ministry
 is responsible for carrying out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) outside of US borders. This ministry hosts mission trips to other countries and partners with other missionary ministries to make disciples of all nations. This ministry is dedicated to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and drawing all men, women, boys, and girls, to take up their cross and follow Jesus. Stop by the Foreign Mission Center in the Love Fellowship Hall at your next visit.


Psalm 96:6

The Decoration Ministry
is responsible for the decorating of the church, especially for special annual days and worship services hosted by New Hope. This ministry sets up flowers, banners, and other decor in the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and various areas within the church, to compliment the celebration. This ministry works in coalition with the Maintenance Ministry to ensure God's house looks her best.


Psalm 95:1

The Music Department 
is composed of the Praise Team, the Inspirational Choir, the Youth and Young Adults Choir, the Senior Choir, the Male Chorus, and the band. These ministries work together by preparing musical selections for all worship services. Dedicated singers and instrumentalists are led by the Holy Spirit to minister to the congregation through worship and song. This is to cultivate an atmosphere of worship conducive for preaching.


Matthew 25:36

The Senior Women's Mission 
is designed for the seasoned women of the church to have opportunity to minister to our Morgan Park community. Not only do these women host sessions and gatherings to edify one another, but to also advance the Kingdom of God by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and leaving them with nourishment from God's Word.


Romans 15:4

The Sunday School Department 
is an educational, bible-based, learning institution within the Church, that is designed to equip the saints with life-changing teachings derived from memorable stories in God's Word. This Department seeks to host sessions that provide a systemic, sound, and clear teaching of the Scriptures and overall doctrine of the Church. This Department wishes to cultivate spiritual growth in the lives of each individual member.


2 Corinthians 7:1

The Maintenance Ministry 
is designed to ensure God's house remains sanitized and clean at all times. This ministry is responsible for vacuuming carpets, discarding of leftover programs and tissues after worship, assisting in setting up tables and chairs for special events, as well as breaking them down, filling all tissue holders and soap dispensers, and much more. This ministry is dedicated to making God's house a healthy and clean environment to worship in.


1 Corinthians 10:31

The Culinary Ministry 
is responsible for providing in-house catering of food and drinks for New Hope events. This ministry oversees the operation of the kitchen and fellowship hall, including its use, cleanliness, and maintenance of it's equipment. This ministry is always available on annual days, ministry anniversaries, wedding receptions, repast services, and other church related functions.


Matthew 28:19-20

The Evangelism and Outreach Ministry 
is designed to win souls for Christ, becoming 'fishers of men' within the Morgan Park area and surrounding communities. This ministry partners with evangelists and missionaries from other ministries and outreach organizations, to not only win souls for Christ, but to leave an impact and impression on those we seek to reach. This ministry can be found traveling door to door, handing out flyers and invitations to our church home, engaging with the neighbors in the community, and meeting the needs of those whom they minister. This ministry is designed to draw souls into the Kingdom.


Romans 6:4

The Baptism Ministry 
is designed to prepare candidates physically and educationally for water baptism. This ministry assists the Senior Pastor and Deacons in the execution of the baptismal ceremony, but also holds the responsible of teaching all candidates the importance of and purpose for water baptism. Members of this ministry are also responsible for keeping schedule of baptism times and keeping candidates committed to their date.


Luke 6:38

The Benevolent Ministry 
is designed to assist the members of the church in the time of crisis or need, whether it be spiritually, emotionally, or financially. This ministry is overseen by the Deacons Board and Finance Committee.

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