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Proverbs 31:10;29-31: "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies; Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

First Lady Wanda A. Beckham, of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Morgan Park, is a devoted wife, a committed mother, Christian leader and teacher. She is the daughter of Reverend Charles and Mrs. Mary Gordon of the Covenant Chapel Missionary Baptist Church on the west side of Chicago. Lady Beckham has many responsibilities and is always busy working in God's house. As a woman of integrity, she is always seen lifting the standard of holiness  and righteous living. Lady Beckham is the epitome of a Godly Christian woman. Her character encourages the younger women of the Church and pushes them to do better.

Lady Beckham has been married to Elder Marcus W. Beckham for 20+ years. Alongside her husband, she parents two daughters: Ciara and Kailyn. She is revered and respected as a mother to many additional young boys and girls. Her compassion and loving spirit has drawn many unto her. Lady Beckham is the First Lady any church could ask for! Respectable, kind, caring, and most of all, the epitome of a churchwoman. The example she sets and the way she carries herself causes those around her to have a high level of love and respect for her.

As a strong example of a virtuous woman with power to provoke and inspire change, to challenge and motivate, people flock to her for motherly wisdom. She is caring and passionate about people having Jesus is their lives Lady Beckham wears many hats and works tirelessly with her husband to help forge the ministry that God has placed in his charge. She works diligently and faithfully laboring for the Lord. She has a caring and compassionate ministry for women and children. God uses her to birth out women onto the path of their purpose, dreams and destiny through her mentorship and instructions. Her purpose in life is to be the “example of holiness” for women. She is anointed by God to bring about healing and restoration through her powerful yet soft nuggets of wisdom.

She has served alongside her husband for the entire duration of his pastorate. At New St. John, Lady Beckham could be found singing in the choir, teaching Sunday school, leading and empowering sisters in the Women of Virtue Ministry, and so much more. Her labor has not ceased at New Hope. Many will testify that she is a First Lady that does not mind rolling up her sleeves and 'getting to work.'

As an anointed woman of God she gives everything that God imparts into her so that she can serve those around her. She is very down to Earth and has no problem keeping it real in any situation. She is very easy to talk to and gives wisdom to all. She effortlessly shows strong commitment and dedication to assisting her husband in serving God’s people. First Lady Wanda Beckham is truly an unparalleled inspiration to her family, friends and her church.


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